• 10cc - How Dare You! (1976) [England, Progressive Rock/Pop Rock]
    20.11.2014 - 0 Comments
    Artist: 10ccLocation: EnglandAlbum: How Dare…

1 Year - Happy Birthday Rock And Roll! (2015)

So, exactly one year ago this blog started!

Initially on a blog.com address, which was just terrible (that's why you never see any blog.com blogs around), then 3 months later on a wordpress.com address. After 3 months on Wordpress they shut us down so we decided to move to our own server with our own URL, first through .tk and finally on .net.

WOW, as you all can see it wasn't easy, not to mention that Adf.ly suspended our account and we had to replace all the old links (and we're still doing it, sorry). But after all we made it through and I hope we will make it for some more time!

For our first anniversary we have prepared a new layout (comment and tell us what you think about it) and also this special post with our top 50 most viewed albums, have fun! :)

Some numbers:
Number of posts: 3.430
Artist with more posts: Eric Clapton (26)
Country with more posts: England (1.092)
Year with more posts: 1970 (324)
Genre with more posts: Progressive Rock (762)

Top 50:
PS. The number in brackets are the page views. But remember that the blog went to many changes so this numbers only show the last 7 months or so.


  1. happy Birthday & many more of them :-)

  2. Thanks a lot Conan :-)

  3. y que sean muchos mas,gracias por la musica.

  4. Gracias por sus amables palabras Juan Chero.

    y Gracias por visitarnos y por su comentario :)

  5. Marcello Maddy Lee12 March 2015 at 17:27

    Véi, esse blog tá fazendo um ano, então, parabéns, mas como já tem quase uns 10 anos que nos conhecemos... Parabéns, também, oras!!!! rsrsrsrsrs
    Mas pelo que você mais tem que ser parabenizado é pela sua persistência, afinal, depois de tantos e tantos blogs seus terem sido detonados, você ainda continua nos brindando com muitos e muitos discos totalmente excelentes.
    Mais uma vez, parabéns!!
    Mais uma vez, obrigado!!!
    Long Live Rock And Roll (Archives)!!!
    Aquele abraço!

  6. Não tenho nem o que responder hehehe :)

  7. Happy Birthday My Friend . Long May Your Blog Continue

  8. Thanks Richard :-)

  9. Happy Birthday and MANY more.
    Keep up the good work.
    Love what you are doing.


  10. Thanks a lot man :)

  11. Happy Birthday and thanks for all this good stuff. LOVE.

  12. Thanks for your words Javier :)

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